Operations Manager – Lorraine Davies

yelabus are pleased to announce that we have appointed Lorraine Davies as our Operations Manager with effect from 15 April and that she has now completed her training and has taken over from Sarah.

Lorraine has a wide experience of customer service roles and has extensive knowledge of transport, although minibuses are a first.

Lorraine lives locally in Darby Green with her partner, one of her two children and a dog.

If you would be interested in hiring our vehicles or knowing more about our services she will be pleased to assist.

Tythings Coffee Club says Thank You.

One of our regular hirers, the Tythings Coffee Club, has recently received sponsorship from Robert Collard to meet the costs of hiring our vehicle for transport to their weekly meeting at Monteagle Community Centre every Thursday.

Both the Tythings coffee club and yelabus are grateful to Mr Collard  for stepping when the previous arrangements reached a conclusion at the end of March as this will mean that meeting numbers can be maintained for the benefit of the participants as it is a reason to be out and about and meeting friends.

Collard is a well known local business turning over £70m per year, now operating nationwide and we are pleased that a local business is able to provide this support.

yelabus runs by using volunteer drivers to provide transport for the people of Yateley using accessible minibuses.  If you would like to know more about out services please contact our Operations Manager.

Thank you.

K R Whitbread
Chair yelabus